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Investigation of divergent thinking among surgeons and surgeon trainees in Canada (IDEAS): a mixed-methods study

Por: Thabane · A. · McKechnie · T. · Arora · V. · Calic · G. · Busse · J. W. · Sonnadara · R. · Bhandari · M.

To assess the creative potential of surgeons and surgeon trainees, as measured by divergent thinking. The secondary objectives were to identify factors associated with divergent thinking, assess confidence in creative problem-solving and the perceived effect of surgical training on creative potential, and explore the value of creativity in surgery.


We used a mixed-methods design, conducting a survey of divergent thinking ability using a validated questionnaire followed by two semi-structured interviews with top-scoring participants.

Participants & setting

Surgeons and surgeon trainees in the Department of Surgery at McMaster University.


The primary outcome was divergent thinking, assessed with the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults. Participants also self-assessed their confidence in creative problem-solving and the effect of surgical training on their creative potential. We performed descriptive analyses and multivariable linear regression to identify factors associated with divergent thinking. We conducted a thematic analysis of the interview responses.


82 surgeons and surgeon trainees were surveyed; 43 were junior trainees and 28 were senior trainees. General surgery, orthopaedic surgery and plastic surgery represented 71.9% of the participants. The median participant age was 28 years (range 24–73), 51.2% of whom were female. Participants demonstrated levels of divergent thinking that were higher but not meaningfully different from the adult norm (62.39 (95% CI 61.25, 63.53), p


The divergent thinking ability among surgeons and surgeon trainees was not meaningfully different from the adult normative score; however, their ability to generate original ideas was below average.

Cohort profile: The Health, Food, Purchases and Lifestyle (SMIL) cohort - a Danish open cohort

Por: Sorensen · K. K. · Andersen · M. P. · Moller · F. T. · Eves · C. · Junker · T. G. · Zareini · B. · Torp-Pedersen · C.

The Health, Food, Purchases and Lifestyle (SMIL) cohort is a prospective open Danish cohort that collects electronic consumer purchase data, which can be linked to Danish nationwide administrative health and social registries. This paper provides an overview of the cohort’s baseline characteristics and marginal differences in the monetary percentage spent on food groups by sex, age and hour of the day.


As of 31 December 2022, the cohort included 11 214 users of a smartphone-based receipt collection application who consented to share their unique identification number for linkage to registries in Denmark. In 2022, the composition of the cohort was as follows: 62% were men while 24% were aged 45–55. The cohort had a median of 63 (IQR 26–116) unique shopping trips. The cohort included participants with a range of health statuses. Notably, 21% of participants had a history of cardiovascular disease and 8% had diabetes before donating receipts.

Findings to date

The feasibility of translating consumer purchase data to operationalisable food groups and merging with registers has been demonstrated. We further demonstrated differences in marginal distributions which revealed disparities in the amount of money spent on various food groups by sex and age, as well as systematic variations by the hour of the day. For example, men under 30 spent 8.2% of their total reported expenditure on sugary drinks, while women under 30 spent 6.5%, men over 30 spent 4.3% and women over 30 spent 3.9%.

Future plans

The SMIL cohort is characterised by its dynamic, continuously updated database, offering an opportunity to explore the relationship between diet and disease without the limitations of self-reported data. Currently encompassing data from 2018 to 2022, data collection is set to continue. We expect data collection to continue for many years and we are taking several initiatives to increase the cohort.

Implementation of an antibiotic resistance surveillance tool in Madagascar, the TSARA project: a prospective, observational, multicentre, hospital-based study protocol

Por: Elias · C. · Raad · M. · Rasoanandrasana · S. · Raherinandrasana · A. H. · Andriananja · V. · Raberahona · M. · Moore · C. E. · Randria · M. · Raskine · L. · Vanhems · P. · Babin · F.-X.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become a significant public health threat. Without any interventions, it has been modelled that AMR will account for an estimated 10 million deaths annually by 2050, this mainly affects low/middle-income countries. AMR has a systemic negative perspective affecting the overall healthcare system down to the patient’s personal outcome. In response to this issue, the WHO urged countries to provide antimicrobial stewardship programmes (ASPs). ASPs in hospitals are a vital component of national action plans for AMR, and have been shown to significantly reduce AMR, in particular in low-income countries such as Madagascar.

As part of an ASP, AMR surveillance provides essential information needed to guide medical practice. We developed an AMR surveillance tool—Technique de Surveillance Actualisée de la Résistance aux Antimicrobiens (TSARA)—with the support of the Mérieux Foundation. TSARA combines bacteriological and clinical information to provide a better understanding of the scope and the effects of AMR in Madagascar, where no such surveillance tool exists.

Methods and analysis

A prospective, observational, hospital-based study was carried out for data collection using a standardised data collection tool, called TSARA deployed in 2023 in 10 hospitals in Madagascar participating in the national Malagasy laboratory network (Réseau des Laboratoires à Madagascar (RESAMAD)). Any hospitalised patient where the clinician decided to take a bacterial sample is included. As a prospective study, individual isolate-level data and antimicrobial susceptibility information on pathogens were collected routinely from the bacteriology laboratory and compiled with clinical information retrieved from face-to-face interviews with the patient and completed using medical records where necessary. Analysis of the local ecology, resistance rates and antibiotic prescription patterns were collected.

Ethics and dissemination

This protocol obtained ethical approval from the Malagasy Ethical Committee n°07-MSANP/SG/AGMED/CNPV/CERBM on 24 January 2023. Findings generated were shared with national health stakeholders, microbiologists, members of the RESAMAD network and the Malagasy academic society of infectious diseases.

What Matters to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth (WM2Y): a study protocol to develop a national youth well-being measure

Por: Garvey · G. · Howard · K. · Garvey · D. · Dickson · M. · Howell · M. · Butler · T. L. · Cadet-James · Y. · Cunningham · J. · Bainbridge · R. · McGorry · P. · Williamson · A. · Anderson · K. M.

Adolescents face challenges associated with unprecedented environmental, social and technological changes. The impacts of colonisation, intergenerational trauma, racism and socioeconomic disadvantage intensify these challenges for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents also have cultural, spiritual, family and community capital that fosters their well-being.

To date, little research has focused on understanding and appropriately measuring the well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents, a pivotal factor in informing and guiding programmes and interventions that support them. This study will identify the domains of well-being and develop a new preference-based well-being measure based on the values and preferences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth (aged 12–17 years).

Methods and analysis

This project will be conducted across three research phases: (1) qualitative exploration of well-being using PhotoYarning and yarns with adult mentors to develop candidate items; (2) Think Aloud study, quantitative survey, psychometric analysis, validity testing of candidate items and finalisation of the descriptive system; and (3) scoring development using a quantitative preference-based approach. A multinomial (conditional) logit framework will be used to analyse responses and generate a scoring algorithm for the new preference-based well-being measure.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethics approvals have been obtained from: the Human Research Ethics Committees for each state and territory where data are being collected, the institutions where the research is being conducted and from the relevant Departments of Education. The new well-being measure will have wide applicability and can be used in assessing the effectiveness of programmes and services. This new national measure will ensure benefit and positive impact through the ability to identify and measure the aspects of well-being important to and valued by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth. Results will be published in international peer-reviewed journals and presented at conferences, and summaries will be provided to the study partner organisations and other relevant organisations.

IMproving psYchosocial adjustment to Traumatic Brain Injury from acute to chronic injury through development and evaluation of the myTBI online psychoeducation platform: protocol for a mixed-methods study

Por: Troeung · L. · Sarunga Raja · T. L. · Mann · G. · Wagland · J. · MacLeod · C. · Martini · A.

This protocol describes the myTBI study which aims to: (1) develop an online psychoeducation platform for people with traumatic brain injury (TBI), their family members/caregivers, and healthcare staff to improve psychosocial adjustment to TBI across different phases of injury (acute, postacute, and chronic), and (2) undertake an evaluation of efficacy, acceptability, and feasibility.

Methods and analysis

A three-stage mixed-methods research design will be used. The study will be undertaken across four postacute community-based neurorehabilitation and disability support services in Western Australia. Stage 1 (interviews and surveys) will use consumer-driven qualitative methodology to: (1) understand the recovery experiences and psychosocial challenges of people with TBI over key stages (acute, postacute, and chronic), and (2) identify required areas of psychosocial support to inform the psychoeducation platform development. Stage 2 (development) will use a Delphi expert consensus method to: (1) determine the final psychoeducation modules, and (2) perform acceptance testing of the myTBI platform. Finally, stage 3 (evaluation) will be a randomised stepped-wedge trial to evaluate efficacy, acceptability, and feasibility. Outcomes will be measured at baseline, postintervention, follow-up, and at final discharge from services. Change in outcomes will be analysed using multilevel mixed-effects modelling. Follow-up surveys will be conducted to evaluate acceptability and feasibility.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethics approval was granted by North Metropolitan Health Service Mental Health Research Ethics and Governance Office (RGS0000005877). Study findings will be relevant to clinicians, researchers, and organisations who are seeking a cost-effective solution to deliver ongoing psychoeducation and support to individuals with TBI across the recovery journey.

Trial registration number


Adjuvant Wilms tumour 1-specific dendritic cell immunotherapy complementing conventional therapy for paediatric patients with high-grade glioma and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: protocol of a monocentric phase I/II clinical trial in Belgium

Por: Van Genechten · T. · De Laere · M. · Van den Bossche · J. · Stein · B. · De Rycke · k. · Deschepper · C. · Hazes · K. · Peeters · R. · Couttenye · M.-M. · Van De Walle · K. · Roelant · E. · Maes · S. · Vanden Bossche · S. · Dekeyzer · S. · Huizing · M. · Caluwaert · K. · Nijs · G. · Cool

Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) and paediatric high-grade glioma (pHGG) are aggressive glial tumours, for which conventional treatment modalities fall short. Dendritic cell (DC)-based immunotherapy is being investigated as a promising and safe adjuvant therapy. The Wilms’ tumour protein (WT1) is a potent target for this type of antigen-specific immunotherapy and is overexpressed in DIPG and pHGG. Based on this, we designed a non-randomised phase I/II trial, assessing the feasibility and safety of WT1 mRNA-loaded DC (WT1/DC) immunotherapy in combination with conventional treatment in pHGG and DIPG.

Methods and analysis

10 paediatric patients with newly diagnosed or pretreated HGG or DIPG were treated according to the trial protocol. The trial protocol consists of leukapheresis of mononuclear cells, the manufacturing of autologous WT1/DC vaccines and the combination of WT1/DC-vaccine immunotherapy with conventional antiglioma treatment. In newly diagnosed patients, this comprises chemoradiation (oral temozolomide 90 mg/m2 daily+radiotherapy 54 Gy in 1.8 Gy fractions) followed by three induction WT1/DC vaccines (8–10x106 cells/vaccine) given on a weekly basis and a chemoimmunotherapy booster phase consisting of six 28-day cycles of oral temozolomide (150–200 mg/m2 on days 1–5) and a WT1/DC vaccine on day 21. In pretreated patients, the induction and booster phase are combined with best possible antiglioma treatment at hand. Primary objectives are to assess the feasibility of the production of mRNA-electroporated WT1/DC vaccines in this patient population and to assess the safety and feasibility of combining conventional antiglioma treatment with the proposed immunotherapy. Secondary objectives are to investigate in vivo immunogenicity of WT1/DC vaccination and to assess disease-specific and general quality of life.

Ethics and dissemination

The ethics committee of the Antwerp University Hospital and the University of Antwerp granted ethics approval. Results of the clinical trial will be shared through publication in a peer-reviewed journal and presentations at conferences.

Trial registration number


Association between individual-level socioeconomic factors and intimate partner violence victimisation in women: a systematic review protocol

Por: Reyal · H. P. · Dissanayake · N. · Gunarathna · H. · Soysa · D. · Fernando · M. S. · Senarathna · L.

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health problem. Although both men and women experience IPV, the burden is more on women. To address IPV effectively, it is important to understand the factors that cause IPV including the socioeconomic factors. However, there is an inadequacy of knowledge on how socioeconomic factors at different levels affect IPV. Hence, the objective is to review the individual-level socioeconomic factors associated with IPV victimisation of women and girls.

Methods and analysis

The search strategy was developed to identify publications from January 2010 to 30 June 2024. The selected electronic databases of PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus and Science Direct will be searched. The eligibility criteria for data collection are based on participants/population (women and girls), exposure (socioeconomic factors) and outcome (IPV). In primary search, the title and abstracts will be screened and reference lists of selected articles will be screened for additional studies. Two researchers will independently screen the articles, and in any disagreements, a third researcher will be consulted. The data will be tabulated to present the study and participant characteristics, comparison descriptors between victims and non-victims, inclusion and exclusion criteria, primary and secondary outcomes data, results, limitations and implications. A quality assessment will be performed on the selected studies to avoid bias. A narrative synthesis will summarise the findings.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval was waived because only secondary data are used. The protocol will be published, and the findings will be disseminated via publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

PROSPERO registration number


Exploration of Latina/Hispanic womens experiences living with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a qualitative study with patients in Houston

Por: Heredia · N. I. · Mendoza Duque · E. · Ayieko · S. · Averyt · A. · McNeill · L. H. · Hwang · J. P. · Fernandez · M. E.

A deeper understanding of the lived experiences of Hispanic patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can help guide the development of behavioural programmes that facilitate NAFLD management. This paper explores Hispanic women’s experiences living with NAFLD.

Design, setting, participants

We collected brief sociodemographic questionnaires and conducted in-depth interviews with 12 low-income (all had household income ≤USD$55 000 per year) Hispanic women with NAFLD from the Houston area. Transcripts were audio-recorded and transcribed. We developed a coding scheme and used thematic analysis to identify emergent themes, supported by Atlas.ti.


Participants identified physicians as their main information source on NAFLD but also consulted the internet, family, friends and peers. Many were still left wanting more information. Participants identified family history, sedentary lifestyles, poor diet and comorbid conditions as causes for their NAFLD. Participants also reported emotional distress after diagnosis. Participants experienced both successes and challenges in making lifestyle changes in nutrition and physical activity. Some participants received desired social support in managing NAFLD, although there were conflicting feelings about spousal support.


Multifaceted programming that improves patient–provider communication, conveys accurate information and enhances social support is needed to support Hispanic women in managing NAFLD.

IMPROVE study protocol, investigating post-stroke local muscle vibrations to promote cerebral plasticity and functional recovery: a single-blind randomised controlled trial

Por: Julliand · S. · Papaxanthis · C. · Delphin · C. · Mock · A. · Raumel · M.-A. · Gueugnon · M. · Ornetti · P. · Laroche · D.

Spasticity is a frequent disabling consequence following a stroke. Local muscle vibrations (LMVs) have been proposed as a treatment to address this problem. However, little is known about their clinical and neurophysiological impacts when used repeatedly during the subacute phase post-stroke. This project aims to evaluate the effects of a 6-week LMV protocol on the paretic limb on spasticity development in a post-stroke subacute population.

Methods and analysis

This is an interventional, controlled, randomised, single-blind (patient) trial. 100 participants over 18 years old will be recruited, within 6 weeks following a first stroke with hemiparesis or hemiplegia. All participants will receive a conventional rehabilitation programme, plus 18 sessions of LMV (ie, continuously for 30 min) on relaxed wrist and elbow flexors: either (1) at 80 Hz for the interventional group or (2) at 40 Hz plus a foam band between the skin and the device for the control group.

Participants will be evaluated at baseline, at 3 weeks and 6 weeks, and at 6 months after the end of the intervention. Spasticity will be measured by the modified Ashworth scale and with an isokinetic dynamometer. Sensorimotor function will be assessed with the Fugl-Meyer assessment of the upper extremity. Corticospinal and spinal excitabilities will be measured each time.

Ethics and dissemination

This study was recorded in a clinical trial and obtained approval from the institutional review board (Comité de protection des personnes Ile de France IV, 2021-A03219-32). All participants will be required to provide informed consent. The results of this trial will be published in peer-reviewed journals to disseminate information to clinicians and impact their practice for an improved patient’s care.

Trial registration number

Clinical Trial: NCT05315726



Can ChatGPT pass the MRCP (UK) written examinations? Analysis of performance and errors using a clinical decision-reasoning framework

Por: Maitland · A. · Fowkes · R. · Maitland · S.

Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT are being developed for use in research, medical education and clinical decision systems. However, as their usage increases, LLMs face ongoing regulatory concerns. This study aims to analyse ChatGPT’s performance on a postgraduate examination to identify areas of strength and weakness, which may provide further insight into their role in healthcare.


We evaluated the performance of ChatGPT 4 (24 May 2023 version) on official MRCP (Membership of the Royal College of Physicians) parts 1 and 2 written examination practice questions. Statistical analysis was performed using Python. Spearman rank correlation assessed the relationship between the probability of correctly answering a question and two variables: question difficulty and question length. Incorrectly answered questions were analysed further using a clinical reasoning framework to assess the errors made.


Online using ChatGPT web interface.

Primary and secondary outcome measures

Primary outcome was the score (percentage questions correct) in the MRCP postgraduate written examinations. Secondary outcomes were qualitative categorisation of errors using a clinical decision-making framework.


ChatGPT achieved accuracy rates of 86.3% (part 1) and 70.3% (part 2). Weak but significant correlations were found between ChatGPT’s accuracy and both just-passing rates in part 2 (r=0.34, p=0.0001) and question length in part 1 (r=–0.19, p=0.008). Eight types of error were identified, with the most frequent being factual errors, context errors and omission errors.


ChatGPT performance greatly exceeded the passing mark for both exams. Multiple choice examinations provide a benchmark for LLM performance which is comparable to human demonstrations of knowledge, while also highlighting the errors LLMs make. Understanding the reasons behind ChatGPT’s errors allows us to develop strategies to prevent them in medical devices that incorporate LLM technology.

Epidemiology of COVID-19 outbreaks in aged care facilities during postvaccine period: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Por: Hashan · M. R. · Smoll · N. · Chapman · G. · King · C. · Walker · J. · Kirk · M. · Akbar · D. · Booy · R. · Khandaker · G.

We aimed to define the epidemiology of COVID-19 outbreaks in aged care facilities (ACFs) during the postvaccine period, including vaccine effectiveness (VE) for this high-risk group.


Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Data sources

Ovid Medline, Ovid Embase, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane databases were searched through 1 September 2023.

Eligibility criteria

Any original observational studies and trials reporting data on COVID-19 outbreaks among the partially/fully vaccinated residents from ACFs during or after the worldwide implementation of vaccine roll-out.

Data extraction and synthesis

We estimated the attack rate, case fatality rate, mortality rate and VE during postvaccine period. Random effect model was adopted for meta-analysis. Quality assessment on all included studies was performed using the Meta Quality Appraisal Tool.


38 articles were included from 12 countries reporting 79 outbreaks with 1708 confirmed cases of COVID-19 from 78 ACFs. The pooled attack rate was 28% (95% CI 20% to 37%) among the fully vaccinated residents. Two-thirds (62.5%) of the index cases were unvaccinated healthcare professionals (eg, physicians, nurses) and caregivers. Unvaccinated residents had a significantly higher rates (12%) (95% CI 7% to 19%) of mortality compared with the vaccinated residents (2%) (95% CI% 1 to 4%) and the post-COVID-19 vaccine estimates for case fatality rate (13% vs 23%) and hospitalisation rate (17% vs 37%) were substantially lower. VE in preventing disease among residents in ACFs was 73% (95% CI 49% to 86). Overall, the included studies were heterogeneous in nature, however, the risk of bias was low to moderate.


Our study reaffirmed the impact of vaccination as a key public health measure to minimise the burden of COVID-19 in ACFs. Facilities with higher crowding indexes should be prioritised for vaccination and should advocate for higher vaccination targets among staff and residents as a critical intervention strategy to minimise disease burden in this vulnerable population.

Investigating patient engagement associations between a postdischarge texting programme and patient experience, readmission and revisit rates outcomes

Por: Bruce · C. · Pinn-Kirkland · T. · Meyers · A. · Javaluyas · E. · Osborn · J. · Kelkar · S. · Bruchhaus · L. · McLaury · K. · Sauceda · K. · Carr · K. · Garcia · C. · Arabie · L. A. · Williams · T. · Vozzella · G. · Nisar · T. · Schwartz · R. L. · Sasangohar · F.

This study aimed (1) to examine the association between patient engagement with a bidirectional, semiautomated postdischarge texting programme and Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey outcomes, readmissions and revisit rates in a large health system and (2) to describe operational and clinical flow considerations for implementing a postdischarge texting programme.


The study involved 1 main academic hospital (beds: 2500+) and 6 community hospitals (beds: 190–400, averaging 300 beds per hospital) in Houston, Texas.


Retrospective, observational cohort study between non-engaged patients (responded with 0–2 incoming text messages) and engaged patients (responded with 3+ incoming, patient-initiated text messages) between December 2022 and May 2023. We used the two-tailed t-test for continuous variables and 2 test for categorical variables to compare the baseline characteristics between the two cohorts. For the binary outcomes, such as the revisit (1=yes, vs 0=no) and readmissions (1=yes vs 0=no), we constructed mixed effect logistic regression models with the random effects to account for repeated measurements from the hospitals. For the continuous outcome, such as the case mix index (CMI), a generalised linear quantile mixed effect model was built. All tests for significance were two tailed, using an alpha level of 0.05, and 95% CIs were provided. Significance tests were performed to evaluate the CMI and readmissions and revisit rates.


From 78 883 patients who were contacted over the course of this pilot implementation, 49 222 (62.4%) responded, with 39 442 (50%) responded with 3+ incoming text messages. The engaged cohort had higher HCAHPS scores in all domains compared with the non-engaged cohort. The engaged cohort used significantly fewer 30-day acute care resources, experiencing 29% fewer overall readmissions and 20% fewer revisit rates (23% less likely to revisit) and were 27% less likely to be readmitted. The results were statistically significant for all but two hospitals.


This study builds on the few postdischarge texting studies, and also builds on the patient engagement literature, finding that patient engagement with postdischarge texting can be associated with fewer acute care resources. To our knowledge, this is the only study that documented an association between a text-based postdischarge programme and HCAHPS scores, perhaps owing to the bidirectionality and ease with which patients could interact with nurses. Future research should explore the texting paradigms to evaluate their associated outcomes in a variety of postdischarge applications.

Low-value MRI of the knee in Norway: a register-based study to identify the proportion of potentially low-value MRIs and estimate the related costs

Por: Hofmann · B. · Havik · V. · Andersen · E. R. · Brandsaeter · I. O. · Kjelle · E.

The objective of this study is to investigate the proportion of potentially low-value knee MRI in Norway and to provide an estimate of the related costs.


Register study based on conditional data extraction and analysis of data from Control and Reimbursement of Healthcare Claims registry in Norway.


MRI in public specialist healthcare with universal health coverage (Norway).


48 212 MRIs for 41 456 unique patients and 45 946 reimbursement claims.

Outcome measures

Proportion of MRIs of the knee that (1) did not have a relevant tentative diagnosis prior to the knee MRI, (2) did not have a relevant alternative image of the knee before the MRI or (3) did not have a relevant code from the specialist care within 6 months after the MRI, and those that had combinations of 1, 2 and 3. Estimated costs for those that had combinations of 1, 2 and 3.


Very few patients (6.4%) had a relevant diagnosis code or prior imaging examination when having the MRI and only 14.6% got a knee-related diagnosis code from the specialist care within 6 months after the MRI. 21.8% of the patients had knee X-ray, CT or ultrasound within 6 months before the MRI. Between 58% and 85% of patients having knee MRIs in Norway have no relevant examinations or diagnoses six months prior to or after the MRI examination. These examinations are unlikely to benefit patients and they correspond to between 24 108 and 35 416 MRIs at a cost of 6.7–9.8 million per year.


A substantial proportion of MRIs of the knee in Norway have no relevant examinations or diagnoses before or after the MRI and are potentially of low value. Reducing low-value MRIs could free resources for high-value imaging, reduce waiting times, improve the quality of care and increase patient safety and professional integrity.

Tuberculosis infection and hypertension: prevalence estimates from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

Por: Salindri · A. D. · Auld · S. C. · Gujral · U. P. · Urbina · E. M. · Andrews · J. R. · Huaman · M. A. · Magee · M. J.

Tuberculosis infection (TBI) is marked by dynamic host–pathogen interactions with persistent low-grade inflammation and is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) including acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction and stroke. However, few studies assess the relationship between TBI and hypertension, an intermediate of CVD. We sought to determine the association between TBI and hypertension using data representative of the adult US population.


We performed cross-sectional analyses using data from the 2011–2012 US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Eligible participants included adults with valid QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT-GIT) test results who also had blood pressure measures and no history of TB disease. TBI was defined by a positive QFT-GIT. We defined hypertension by either elevated measured blood pressure levels (ie, systolic ≥130 mm Hg or diastolic ≥80 mm Hg) or known hypertension indications (ie, self-reported previous diagnosis or use of antihypertensive medications). Analyses were performed using robust quasi-Poisson regressions and accounted for the stratified probability sampling design of NHANES.


The overall prevalence of TBI was 5.7% (95% CI 4.7% to 6.7%) and hypertension was present among 48.9% (95% CI 45.2% to 52.7%) of participants. The prevalence of hypertension was higher among those with TBI (58.5%, 95% CI 52.4% to 64.5%) than those without TBI (48.3%, 95% CI 44.5% to 52.1%) (prevalence ratio (PR) 1.2, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.3). However, after adjusting for confounders, the prevalence of hypertension was similar for those with and without TBI (adjusted PR 1.0, 95% CI 1.0 to 1.1). The unadjusted prevalence of hypertension was higher among those with TBI versus no TBI, especially among individuals without CVD risk factors including those with normal body mass index (PR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.0), euglycaemia (PR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.5) or non-smokers (PR 1.2, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.4).


More than half of adults with TBI in the USA had hypertension. Importantly, we observed a relationship between TBI and hypertension among those without established CVD risk factors.


The prevalence of hypertension was high (59%) among adults with TBI in the USA. In addition, we found that the prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher among adults with positive QFT without established hypertension risk factors.

Assessing the acceptability of, adherence to and preference for a dual prevention pill (DPP) for HIV and pregnancy prevention compared to oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and oral contraception taken separately: protocols for two randomised, controlle

Por: Friedland · B. A. · Mgodi · N. M. · Palanee-Phillips · T. · Mathur · S. · Plagianos · M. G. · Bruce · I. V. · Lansiaux · M. · Murombedzi · C. · Musara · P. · Dandadzi · A. · Reddy · K. · Ndlovu · N. · Zulu · S. K. · Shale · L. R. · Zieman · B. · Haddad · L. B.

Oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a highly effective HIV prevention method; however, uptake and persistence have been low among southern African women. A dual prevention pill (DPP) that combines PrEP with oral contraception (OC) may increase PrEP use and better meet women’s sexual and reproductive health needs. We will gauge the DPP’s acceptability in two cross-over clinical trials.

Methods and analysis

PC952 (Zimbabwe) and PC953 (South Africa) will compare acceptability, adherence and preference for an over-encapsulated DPP versus PrEP and OCs taken separately. HIV-negative, non-pregnant cisgender females in Johannesburg, South Africa (n=96, 16–40 years) and Harare, Zimbabwe (n=30, 16–24 years) will be randomised 1:1 to the order of regimens—DPP or two separate tablets—each used for three 28-day cycles, followed by a 6-month choice period in South Africa. Monthly clinic visits include HIV and pregnancy testing; safety assessments and risk reduction and adherence counselling. We will assess adherence (monthly) based on tenofovir diphosphate drug levels in dried blood spots and by self-report. We will evaluate acceptability (monthly) and preference (end of cross-over) via computer-assisted self-interviewing and in-depth interviews with a subset of participants. Data collection started in September 2022 and ended in January 2024.

Ethics and dissemination

PC952 was approved by the Ministry of Health and Child Care, Medical Research Council, Research Council and Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe; the Chitungwiza City Health Ethics Committee; and the Joint Research Ethics Committee for the University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals. PC953 was approved by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority and the University of the Witwatersrand’s Human Research Ethics Committee. The Population Council IRB approved both studies. We will disseminate results in open-access journals, clinical trials registries, and at local and international meetings and conferences.

Trial registration numbers

NCT04778514, NCT04778527.

Effects of COVID-19 contagion in cohabitants and family members on mental health and academic self-efficacy among university students in Sweden: a prospective longitudinal study

Por: Andersson · C. · Berman · A. H. · Lindfors · P. · Bendtsen · M.

This study used causal inference to estimate the longitudinal effects of contagion in cohabitants and family members on university students’ mental health and academic self-efficacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.


A prospective longitudinal study including a baseline online measurement in May 2020, and online follow-ups after 5 months and 10 months. Participants were recruited through open-access online advertising.


Public universities and university colleges in Sweden.


The analytical sample included 2796 students.

Outcome measures

Contagion in cohabitants and in family members was assessed at baseline and at the 5-month follow-up. Mental health and academic self-efficacy were assessed at the 5-month and 10-month follow-ups.


Mild symptoms reported in cohabitants at baseline resulted in negative mental health effects at follow-up 5 months later, and mild baseline symptoms in family members resulted in negative effects on academic self-efficacy at follow-ups both 5 and 10 months later.


Notwithstanding the lack of precision in estimated effects, the findings emphasise the importance of social relationships and the challenges of providing students with sufficient support in times of crisis.

UPDATE trial: investigating the effects of ultra-processed versus minimally processed diets following UK dietary guidance on health outcomes: a protocol for an 8-week community-based cross-over randomised controlled trial in people with overweight or obes

Por: Dicken · S. · Makaronidis · J. · van Tulleken · C. · Jassil · F. C. · Hall · K. · Brown · A. C. · Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott · C. A. M. · Fisher · A. · Batterham · R.

Obesity increases the risk of morbidity and mortality. A major driver has been the increased availability of ultra-processed food (UPF), now the main UK dietary energy source. The UK Eatwell Guide (EWG) provides public guidance for a healthy balanced diet but offers no UPF guidance. Whether a healthy diet can largely consist of UPFs is unclear. No study has assessed whether the health impact of adhering to dietary guidelines depends on food processing. Furthermore, our study will assess the impact of a 6-month behavioural support programme aimed at reducing UPF intake in people with overweight/obesity and high UPF intakes.

Methods and analysis

UPDATE is a 2x2 cross-over randomised controlled trial with a 6-month behavioural intervention. Fifty-five adults aged ≥18, with overweight/obesity (≥25 to 2), and ≥50% of habitual energy intake from UPFs will receive an 8-week UPF diet and an 8-week minimally processed food (MPF) diet delivered to their home, both following EWG recommendations, in a random order, with a 4-week washout period. All food/drink will be provided. Participants will then receive 6 months of behavioural support to reduce UPF intake. The primary outcome is the difference in weight change between UPF and MPF diets from baseline to week 8. Secondary outcomes include changes in diet, waist circumference, body composition, heart rate, blood pressure, cardiometabolic risk factors, appetite regulation, sleep quality, physical activity levels, physical function/strength, well-being and aspects of behaviour change/eating behaviour at 8 weeks between UPF/MPF diets, and at 6-month follow-up. Quantitative assessment of changes in brain MRI functional resting-state connectivity between UPF/MPF diets, and qualitative analysis of the behavioural intervention for feasibility and acceptability will be undertaken.

Ethics and dissemination

Sheffield Research Ethics Committee approved the trial (22/YH/0281). Peer-reviewed journals, conferences, PhD thesis and lay media will report results.

Trial registration number


Worker and workplace determinants of employment exit: a register study

Por: Rydland · H. T. · Islam · K. · Kjerstad · E.

Workers with chronic illness are in higher risk of unemployment. This article investigated the worker and workplace characteristics associated with labour market inclusion for workers with a diagnosed chronic illness.


Linked employer-employee register data covering all Norwegian employers and employees each month from February 2015 to December 2019 were merged with patient data from specialist healthcare (136 196 observations (job spells); 70 923 individual workers). Survival analysis was used to estimate the risk of employment exit, with age, gender, chronic illness, full-time/part-time employment, skill level, marital status, children in household, branch, share of chronically ill workers, firm size and unemployment rate as covariates.


85% of the study population was employed in December 2019; 58% remain employed throughout the follow-up period. Mental illness, male gender, young age, part-time employment and lower skill levels were the worker-level predictors of labour market exit. Employments in secondary industries, in firms with high shares of chronically ill workers and, to some extent, in larger firms were the significant workplace-level determinants.


Only a minority of our sample of workers with chronic illness experienced labour market exclusion. Targeted measures should be considered towards workers with poor mental health and/or low formal skills. Chronically ill workers within public administration have the best labour market prospects, while workplaces within the education branch have an unfulfilled potential.

Developing blood-brain barrier arterial spin labelling as a non-invasive early biomarker of Alzheimers disease (DEBBIE-AD): a prospective observational multicohort study protocol

Por: Padrela · B. · Mahroo · A. · Tee · M. · Sneve · M. H. · Moyaert · P. · Geier · O. · Kuijer · J. P. A. · Beun · S. · Nordhoy · W. · Zhu · Y. D. · Buck · M. A. · Hoinkiss · D. C. · Konstandin · S. · Huber · J. · Wiersinga · J. · Rikken · R. · de Leeuw · D. · Grydeland · H. · Tippett · L. · Caw

Loss of blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity is hypothesised to be one of the earliest microvascular signs of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Existing BBB integrity imaging methods involve contrast agents or ionising radiation, and pose limitations in terms of cost and logistics. Arterial spin labelling (ASL) perfusion MRI has been recently adapted to map the BBB permeability non-invasively. The DEveloping BBB-ASL as a non-Invasive Early biomarker (DEBBIE) consortium aims to develop this modified ASL-MRI technique for patient-specific and robust BBB permeability assessments. This article outlines the study design of the DEBBIE cohorts focused on investigating the potential of BBB-ASL as an early biomarker for AD (DEBBIE-AD).

Methods and analysis

DEBBIE-AD consists of a multicohort study enrolling participants with subjective cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment and AD, as well as age-matched healthy controls, from 13 cohorts. The precision and accuracy of BBB-ASL will be evaluated in healthy participants. The clinical value of BBB-ASL will be evaluated by comparing results with both established and novel AD biomarkers. The DEBBIE-AD study aims to provide evidence of the ability of BBB-ASL to measure BBB permeability and demonstrate its utility in AD and AD-related pathologies.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethics approval was obtained for 10 cohorts, and is pending for 3 cohorts. The results of the main trial and each of the secondary endpoints will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Multicomponent (bio)markers for obesity risk prediction: a scoping review protocol

Por: Vahid · F. · Dessenne · C. · Tur · J. A. · Bouzas · C. · Devaux · Y. · Malisoux · L. · Monserrat-Mesquida · M. · Sureda · A. · Desai · M. S. · Turner · J. D. · Lamy · E. · Perez-Jimenez · M. · Ravn-Haren · G. · Andersen · R. · Forberger · S. · Nagrani · R. · Ouzzahra · Y. · Fontefrancesc

Despite international efforts, the number of individuals struggling with obesity is still increasing. An important aspect of obesity prevention relates to identifying individuals at risk at early stage, allowing for timely risk stratification and initiation of countermeasures. However, obesity is complex and multifactorial by nature, and one isolated (bio)marker is unlikely to enable an optimal risk stratification and prognosis for the individual; rather, a combined set is required. Such a multicomponent interpretation would integrate biomarkers from various domains, such as classical markers (eg, anthropometrics, blood lipids), multiomics (eg, genetics, proteomics, metabolomics), lifestyle and behavioural attributes (eg, diet, physical activity, sleep patterns), psychological traits (mental health status such as depression) and additional host factors (eg, gut microbiota diversity), also by means of advanced interpretation tools such as machine learning. In this paper, we will present a protocol that will be employed for a scoping review that attempts to summarise and map the state-of-the-art in the area of multicomponent (bio)markers related to obesity, focusing on the usability and effectiveness of such biomarkers.

Methods and analysis

PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL and Embase databases will be searched using predefined key terms to identify peer-reviewed articles published in English until January 2024. Once downloaded into EndNote for deduplication, CADIMA will be employed to review and select abstracts and full-text articles in a two-step procedure, by two independent reviewers. Data extraction will then be carried out by several independent reviewers. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews and Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies guidelines will be followed. Combinations employing at least two biomarkers from different domains will be mapped and discussed.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethical approval is not required; data will rely on published articles. Findings will be published open access in an international peer-reviewed journal. This review will allow guiding future directions for research and public health strategies on obesity prevention, paving the way towards multicomponent interventions.
