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Anteayer Journal of Advanced Nursing

Development of a competency framework for advanced practice nurses: A co‐design process



The aim of the study was to develop a comprehensive competency framework for advanced practice nurses in Belgium.


A co-design development process was conducted.


This study consisted of two consecutive stages (November 2020–December 2021): (1) developing a competency framework for advanced practice nurses in Belgium by the research team, based on literature and (2) group discussions or interviews with and written feedback from key stakeholders. 11 group discussions and seven individual interviews were conducted with various stakeholder groups with a total of 117 participants.


A comprehensive competency framework containing 31 key competencies and 120 enabling competencies was developed based on the Canadian Medical Education Directions for Specialists Competency Framework. These competencies were grouped into seven roles: clinical expert and therapist, organizer of quality care and leader in innovation, professional and clinical leader, collaborator, researcher, communicator and health promoter.


The developed competency framework has resemblance to other international frameworks. This framework emphasized the independent role of the advanced practice nurse and provided guidance in a clear task division and delegation to other professionals. It can provide a solid foundation for delivering high-quality, patient-centred care by advanced practice nurses in the years to come.

Implications for the profession

This competency framework can guide further development of advanced practice nursing education in Belgium and represents a starting point for future evaluation of its feasibility and usability in education and clinical practice. Advanced practice nurses and healthcare managers can also use the framework as an instrument for personal and professional development, performance appraisal, and further alignment of these function profiles in clinical practice. Finally, this framework can inform and guide policymakers towards legal recognition of advanced practice nursing in Belgium and inspire the development of advanced practice nursing profiles in countries where these profiles are still emerging.


What problem did the study address? The absence of a detailed competency framework for advanced practice nurses complicates legal recognition, role clarification and implementation in practice in Belgium. A rigorously developed competency framework could clarify which competencies to integrate in future advanced practice nursing education, mentorship programs and practice.

What were the main findings? The competency framework outlined seven roles for advanced practice nurses: clinical expert and therapist, organizer of quality care and leader in innovation, professional and clinical leader, collaborator, researcher, communicator, and health promoter. Differentiation from other expert nursing profiles and clinical autonomy of advanced practice nurses were pivotal.

Where and on whom will the research have impact? The comprehensive competency framework for advanced practice nurses and the collaborative methodology used can inspire other countries where these profiles are still emerging. The competency framework can be used as an instrument for role clarification, performance appraisals, continuous professional development, and professional (e-)portfolios. The competency framework can guide policymakers when establishing Belgian’s legal framework for advanced practice nurses.

Reporting method

The authors have adhered to CONFERD-HP: recommendations for reporting COmpeteNcy FramEwoRk Development in health professions.

Patient or public contribution

No patient or public contribution in the design of the study. A patient advisory panel commented on the developed competency framework.

Australian nursing students' experiences of workplace violence during clinical placement: A cross‐sectional study



To identify the nature, degree and contributing factors of workplace violence (WPV) incidents experienced by Australian nursing students during clinical placement.


Descriptive cross-sectional study.


Data were collected from 13 September to 25 November 2022. Eligible participants included all nursing students enrolled in nursing degrees at any Australian university who had completed at least one clinical placement. An adapted version of the WPV in the Health Sector Country Case Study survey was used.


A total of 381 nursing students across eight states of Australia completed the survey. More than half of the students had experienced an episode of WPV; patients were the most frequent perpetrators. Personal factors of patients, staff and students, organizational factors and cultural norms within the workplace supported acts of WPV.


Student nurses (SNs) most often experience violence from patients during direct care. Patient encounters are the core component of clinical placement. Education providers have a responsibility to effectively prepare students to be able to identify escalating situations and manage potentially violent situations. Registered nurses who supervise students during clinical placement require support to balance their clinical role with student supervision.

Implications for The Profession

Experiencing WPV can negatively impact relationships between students, healthcare professionals and care recipients. This results in personal distress, decreased job satisfaction and potentially the decision to leave the nursing profession.


What already is known: SNs are exposed to WPV during clinical placement.

What this paper adds: More than half the SNs in this study experienced violence inclusive of physical, verbal, racial and sexual harassment. Patients were the predominant perpetrators.

Implications for practice/policy: Interventions at individual and systemic levels are required to mitigate WPV.

Reporting Method

This study is reported using the STROBE guidelines.

Developing and testing a reflection method for implementation of the informal care guideline in community nursing: Design‐based research



To develop a reflection method for community nurses and certified nursing assistants to support the implementation of the Dutch Informal Care guideline in daily care.


Design-based research.


A design group and four test groups of community nurses and nursing assistants were formed to develop a reflection method that aligns with the needs and preferences of its end-users. The design and test group meetings were video recorded. The video data were iteratively discussed and analysed thematically to adapt and refine the method and to identify its key features.


A final reflection method was developed. Five main themes were identified from the analysis: the group, reflective triggers, knowledge about the guidelines, the coach and preconditions. The themes are linked to nine key features representing the building blocks of the reflection method. The key features are group size, participants with different (educational) backgrounds, pairs of participants, expressing thoughts, video feedback, reflection game, making the connection with the guideline, coaching as a process facilitator and meeting organizational and contextual conditions for implementation.


An evidence- and practice-based reflection method for community nurses and certified nursing assistants is developed to support the implementation. By involving community nurses and certified nursing assistants, the method closely matches their needs and preferences. Critical elements of the reflection method are a game element, video feedback and working in pairs in a group of participants from different (educational) backgrounds. Guidance is needed to make the transfer from theory to practice.


A reflection method for community nurses and certified nursing assistants was developed to enhance care work according to guideline recommendations, aiming to improve the care provided by informal caregivers.

Report Method

The COREQ guideline was used.

Patient or Public Contribution

This reflection method was developed in close collaboration with all stakeholders during the entire study.

Nurses' use of ‘wellness’ supplements during the COVID‐19 pandemic in the United States



Quantify disparities and identify correlates and predictors of ‘wellness’ supplement use among nurses during the first year of the pandemic.


Longitudinal secondary analysis of Nurses' Health Studies 2 and 3 and Growing Up Today Study data.


Sample included 36,518 total participants, 12,044 of which were nurses, who completed surveys during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic (April 2020 to April 2021). Analyses were conducted in March 2023. Modified Poisson models were used to estimate disparities in ‘wellness’ supplement use between nurses and non-healthcare workers and, among nurses only, to quantify associations with workplace-related predictors (occupational discrimination, PPE access, workplace setting) and psychosocial predictors (depression/anxiety, county-level COVID-19 mortality). Models included race/ethnicity, gender identity, age and cohort as covariates.


Nurses were significantly more likely to use all types of supplements than non-healthcare workers. Lacking personal protective equipment and experiencing occupational discrimination were significantly associated with new immune supplement use. Depression increased the risk of using weight loss, energy and immune supplements.


Nurses' disproportionate use of ‘wellness’ supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic may be related to workplace and psychosocial stressors. Given well-documented risks of harm from the use of ‘wellness’ supplements, the use of these products by nurses is of concern.


‘Wellness’ supplements promoting weight loss, increased energy, boosted immunity and cleansing of organs are omnipresent in today's health-focused culture, though their use has been associated with harm. This is of added concern among nurses given their risk of COVID-19 infection at work. Our study highlighted the risk factors associated with use of these products (lacking PPE and experiencing occupational discrimination). Findings support prior research suggesting a need for greater public health policy and education around the use of ‘wellness’ supplements.

Reporting Method

STROBE guidelines were followed throughout manuscript.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution was involved.

The perceived helpfulness and acceptability of a bespoke psychological therapy service for registered nurses experiencing psychological distress: A qualitative study



To understand the perceived helpfulness and acceptability of a bespoke psychological therapy service for registered nurses. The service provided a free and confidential specialist mental health service to all healthcare professionals, including nurses and nursing students.


An exploratory study using a descriptive qualitative approach.


A purposive sample of 20 registered nurses accessing a bespoke psychological therapy service in Wales participated in audio-recorded semi-structured interviews in January 2022. Transcribed data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis.


Four interrelated themes were identified from the data analysis: COVID [SARS-CoV-2] changed things; You're a nurse, you're human; I've got ‘me’ back; and pretty close to miracle workers.


Participants attempted to live up to an idealized image of a nurse, generating self-stigmatizing beliefs that negatively affected their mental health. The psychological therapy service enabled participants to put their roles into perspective, that is, separate themselves from their role, be vulnerable, and develop confidence and adaptive coping strategies. Participants valued the minimal barriers and ease of access to support.

Implications for the Profession and/or Patient Care

The complex relationship between nurse identity and the challenges of the workplace needs to be central to nurse education. Nurses can benefit from rapid access to a timely, confidential, and independent self-referring psychological therapy service.


This qualitative study explored the helpfulness and accessibility of psychological support for nurses. The main themes were that COVID changed things; You're a nurse, you're human; I've got ‘me’ back; and pretty close to miracle workers. The findings will impact how nurses are supported in the United Kingdom and worldwide.

Reporting Method

This report adheres to the standards for reporting qualitative research (SRQR).

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

Pressure injury risk assessment and prescription of preventative interventions using a structured tool versus clinical judgement: An interrater agreement study



To assess agreement of pressure injury risk level and differences in preventative intervention prescription between nurses using a structured risk assessment tool compared with clinical judgement.


Interrater agreement study.


Data were collected from November 2019 to December 2022. Paired nurse-assessors were allocated randomly to independently assess pressure injury risk using a structured tool (incorporating the Waterlow Score), or clinical judgement; then prescribe preventative interventions. Assessments were conducted on 150 acute patient participants in a general tertiary hospital. Agreement of risk level was analysed using absolute agreement proportions, weighted kappa and prevalence-adjusted and bias-adjusted kappa.


Ninety-four nurse assessors participated. Absolute agreement of not-at-risk versus at-risk-any-level was substantial, but absolute agreement of risk-level was only fair. Clinical judgement assessors tended to underestimate risk. Where risk level was agreed, prescribed intervention frequencies were similar, although structured tool assessors prescribed more interventions mandated by standard care, while clinical judgement assessors prescribed more additional/optional interventions. Structured tool assessors prescribed more interventions targeted at lower-risk patients, whereas assessors using clinical judgement prescribed more interventions targeted at higher-risk patients.


There were clear differences in pressure injury risk-level assessment between nurses using the two methods, with important differences in intervention prescription frequencies found. Further research is required into the use of both structured tools and clinical judgement to assess pressure injury risk, with emphasis on the impact of risk assessments on subsequent preventative intervention implementation.


The results of this study are important for clinical practice as they demonstrate the influence of using a structured pressure injury risk assessment tool compared to clinical judgement. Whilst further research is required into the use of both structured tools and clinical judgement to assess pressure injury risk and prescribe interventions, our findings do not support a change in practice that would exclude the use of a structured pressure injury risk assessment tool.

Reporting Method

This study adhered to the GRRAS reporting guideline.

Patient/Public Contribution

No patient or public involvement in this study.

Implications for the profession and/or patient care

Educators and researchers can use the findings to guide teaching about pressure injury risk assessment and preventative intervention and to direct future studies. For clinical nurses and patients, a change in clinical practice that would exclude the use of a structured risk assessment tool is not recommended and further work is needed to validate the role of clinical judgement to assess risk and its impact on preventative intervention.

Youth, caregiver and healthcare professional perspectives on planning the implementation of a trauma‐informed care programme: A qualitative study



To explore youth, caregiver and staff perspectives on their vision of trauma-informed care, and to identify and understand potential considerations for the implementation of a trauma-informed care programme in an inpatient mental health unit within a paediatric hospital.

Design and Methods

We applied the Interpretive Description approach, guided by complexity theory and the Implementation Roadmap, and used Applied Thematic Analysis methods.


Twenty-five individuals participated in individual or group interviews between March and June 2022, including 21 healthcare professionals, 3 youth and 1 caregiver. We identified two overarching themes. The first theme, ‘Understanding and addressing the underlying reasons for distress’, related to participants’ understanding and vision of TIC in the current setting comprising: (a) ‘Participants’ understanding of TIC’; (b) ‘Trauma screening and trauma processing within TIC’; (c) ‘Taking “a more individualized approach”’; (d) ‘Unit programming’; and (e) “Connecting to the community”. The second theme, ‘Factors that support or limit successful TIC implementation’ comprises: (a) ‘The need for a broad “cultural shift”’; (b) ‘The physical environment on the unit’; and (c) ‘Factors that may limit successful implementation’.


We identified five key domains to consider within trauma-informed care implementation: (a) the centrality of engagement with youth, caregivers and staff in trauma-informed care delivery and implementation, (b) trauma-informed care core programme components, (c) factors that may support or limit success in implementing trauma-informed care within the mental health unit and (d) hospital-wide and (e) the importance of intersectoral collaboration (partnering with external organizations and sectors).


When implementing TIC, there is an ongoing need to increase clarity regarding TIC interventions and implementation initiatives. Youth, caregiver and healthcare professional participants shared considerations important for planning the delivery and implementation of trauma-informed care in their setting. We identified five key domains to consider within trauma-informed care implementation: (a) the centrality of relational engagement, (b) trauma-informed care programme components, (c) factors that may support or limit successful implementation of trauma-informed care within the mental health unit and (d) hospital-wide and (e) the importance of intersectoral collaboration. Organizations wishing to implement trauma-informed care should consider ongoing engagement with all relevant knowledge user groups throughout the process.

Reporting Method

Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR).

Patient or Public Contribution

The local hospital research institute's Patient and Family Advisory Committee reviewed the draft study methods and provided feedback.

Impact of the COVID‐19‐pandemic and perception of self‐efficacy on the mental health of out‐of‐hospital emergency healthcare professionals by modality of care



To analyse the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the perception of self-efficacy on the health professionals of the Spanish out-of-hospital emergency services.


Observational, cross-sectional and descriptive with a survey methodology of 1710 participants from Spain (1 February–30 April, 2021).


The mental health of healthcare workers was assesed in terms of stress, anxiety and depression, as well as their self-efficacy. Linear and logistic regression models were fitted to predict these variables. A moderation analysis was conducted to determine the effect of self-efficacy on mental health.


The means of the sample for stress, anxiety, depression and self-efficacy were 20.60, 15.74, 13.07 and 70.87, respectively. In the regression models, being a woman was the most significant factor for severe mental health impairment. Female gender was also a relevant factor for self-efficacy. Self-efficacy had a direct effect on the mental health for working in patient care.


Healthcare workers showed moderate stress, severe anxiety, mild depression and good self-efficacy. Direct patient care was associated with more stress and severe anxiety. Age, female gender, job changes and job adjustment were associated with levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Self-efficacy is a determining factor of mental health in the direct care modality.


The mental health of healthcare workers has been of great importance in the aftermath of the pandemic, but out-of-hospital emergency workers have been neglected in research. The levels of stress, anxiety and depression during the pandemic justify the creation of prevention and early diagnosis programmes, as they are essential in a health disaster. Surprisingly, their high level of perceived self-efficacy directly impact on the mental health of patient helthcare workers, so improving it will reduce the psychological risk.

Reporting Method

We have followed the STROBE guidelines. It has been partially funded by the Asistencia Sanitanitaria Interprovincial de Seguros - ASISA Foundation (Spain).

Patient or Public Contribution

‘No patient or public involvement’.

Sense of coherence moderates job demand‐resources and impact on burnout among nurses and midwives in the context of the COVID‐19 pandemic: A cross‐sectional survey



This study aimed to test the propositions using the job demands-resources (JD-R) model for main/moderation/mediation effects of a sense of coherence and practice environment support on mental well-being (anxiety, depression and burnout) outcomes in nurses and midwives in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Cross-sectional quantitative survey.

Data Sources

The study was a cross-sectional design using self-report questionnaires reported as per the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology Guidelines. Following human research ethics approval (2020.ETH.00121) participants were recruited to take part in an online anonymous survey using self-report instruments to test the JD-R model in Australia.


156 participant nurses and midwives experienced anxiety, depression and emotional burnout during COVID-19. While a considerable proportion of participants indicated high levels of emotional exhaustion, their responses showed low levels of depersonalization (detached response to other people) and high levels of personal accomplishment (high levels of work performance and competence). A sense of coherence was a significant protective factor for mental health well-being for the participants, which is to say, high levels of sense of coherence were predictive of lower levels of anxiety, depression and burnout in this study sample.


It is evident that both nursing and midwifery professions require psychosocial support to preserve their health both in the short and long term. Ensuring individualized tailored support will require a layered response within organizations aimed at individual self-care and collegial peer support.

Patient or Public Contribution

There was no patient or public contribution in this study, as the focus was on nurses and midwives.

Psychosocial impacts of being nil‐by‐mouth as an adult: A scoping review



To map existing evidence and identify gaps in the literature concerning psychosocial impacts of being nil by mouth (NBM) as an adult.


A scoping review of the literature was undertaken using JBI guidance. A protocol was registered on the Open Science Framework ( Reporting was guided by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR).


A comprehensive search of six databases (CINAHL, Embase, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, SCOPUS and Web of Science) was performed for studies published up to February 2023, with no restriction to study type. A scope of the grey literature was also undertaken. Two authors independently assessed eligibility and extracted data. Descriptive statistical analysis and narrative synthesis were used, and patient and public involvement included in funding discussions.


A total of 23 papers were included in the review, consisting of 14 primary studies (7 qualitative and 7 quantitative) and 9 grey literature. Both global psychological distress and distress specific to being NBM (thirst, missing food and drink) were reported. Caregivers also experience distress from their family member being NBM. Furthermore, social impacts were reported for both patient and caregiver, primarily social isolation and subsequent low mood.


Furthermore, research is needed to understand the prevalence of this population, how best to measure psychosocial impacts and to explore whether (and how) psychosocial impacts change over time. Advancement in this area would enable better service development to optimize care for this patient group.

What is known about this topic?

Eating and drinking provides more than nutrition and hydration. A wide range of conditions can lead to recommendations for no longer eating and drinking (nil by mouth). Being nil by mouth (NBM) for short periods such as pre-operative fasting causes distress; however, little is understood about impact on longer-term abstinence from eating and drinking.

What this paper adds?

Psychosocial consequences of being nil by mouth (NBM)have been investigated by both quantitative and qualitative studies. Being NBM impacts both patients and caregivers in various psychosocial aspects, including distress and social isolation. Several gaps remain, however, regarding ways to measure psychosocial impact of being NBM.

Effectiveness of educational interventions in reducing the stigma of healthcare professionals and healthcare students towards mental illness: A systematic review and meta‐analysis



To examine the effectiveness of educational interventions in reducing stigma among healthcare professionals and students towards people with mental illness.


A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cluster RCTs.

Data Sources

Articles published from database inception to October 2023 were systematically searched from seven databases (CINAHL, Embase, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, PsycINFO, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science), following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines.


Random-effect meta-analyses were conducted. Heterogeneity was evaluated using the I 2 statistics and Cochran's Q chi-squared test. A quality appraisal conducted at the study level used the Cochrane risk of bias tool and an outcome-level quality assessment utilized the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation Approach. Publication bias was assessed using the funnel plot.


Twenty-five articles were included in this review. Meta-analysis reported statistically significant medium and small effect sizes for attitudes towards mental illness and attitudes towards people with mental illness respectively, showing the association between educational interventions and improved attitudes among healthcare professionals and students. However, a statistically non-significant effect was reported for knowledge of mental illness. Subgroup analyses indicated that face-to-face and contact-based interventions were particularly effective at reducing stigma. Notably, single-session interventions were just as effective as multiple sessions, suggesting a potential for resource-efficient approaches.


Educational interventions demonstrate promise in fostering more positive attitudes towards mental health issues. Future research should aim to determine the long-term effects of these interventions and include patient feedback on the stigmatizing behaviours of healthcare professionals and students, to holistically evaluate the effect of interventions.

No Patient or Public Contribution

This study is a secondary review and does not require relevant contributions from patients or the public.

What Does this Paper Contribute to the Wider Global Clinical Community?

Face-to-face contact-based educational sessions have proven to be the most effective. Reinforcing learning may be achieved through a series of repeated single-session interventions.

Perceptions of surveillance with magnetic resonance imaging among women with a hereditary risk of breast cancer—A phenomenographic study



To explore perceptions of annual surveillance with magnetic resonance imaging and perceptions of care during the examination among women with a hereditary risk of breast cancer.




Fourteen face-to-face interviews using a semi-structured interview guide were conducted among women undergoing surveillance in the southern region of Sweden. A seven-step phenomenographic analysis with investigator triangulation was performed.


‘Considering own risk of developing breast cancer’, ‘Entrusting oneself to surveillance’ and ‘Living in a cycle’ represented descriptive categories of perceptions. Family narratives introduced comprehension of own risk of breast cancer, followed by appraisal of own benefits of participating in surveillance. Entrusting oneself to surveillance included handing over management of diagnostic examinations and dealing with practical issues and diverse emotions related to surveillance. Planning life based around surveillance, struggling with fluctuating emotions, also between the examinations and questioning own identity implied the perception of living in a cycle.


Surveillance for hereditary breast cancer implies living in a cycle of dealing with fluctuating emotions and planning life based around surveillance. Comprehension of one's own risk for breast cancer arises from awareness in the family. Women value the surveillance programme and trust the healthcare system.

Implication for the Profession and Patient Care

Knowledge of women's perceptions of the surveillance programme and care is vital for supporting women in their decision-making on attendance and providing person-centred care during surveillance.


A gap in explorative studies from the perspective of the individual woman in the context of surveillance for breast cancer and care in magnetic resonance imaging in surveillance was addressed. ‘Considering own risk of developing breast cancer’, ‘Entrusting oneself to surveillance’ and ‘Living in a cycle’ represented women's perceptions of surveillance and care. The study results have implications for person-centred care among women in the surveillance programme.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

Does nursing leaders' humility leadership associate with nursing team members' psychological safety? A cross‐sectional online survey



The leader's ability to act with self-awareness, lead with generosity, and consider others' opinions is what defines humility leadership. In recent healthcare literature, there has been extensive exploration of humility leadership and psychological safety, but these studies were non-nursing. It is crucial to understand how humble leaders can empower their staff's psychological safety, as inclusivity is a key aspect of humility leadership and is closely linked to psychological safety. Therefore, this study examined the association between nursing leaders' humility leadership and team members' psychological safety.


A quantitative cross-sectional design was used in the current study.


To assess the studied variables, 245 nursing academics, nurses, and nursing leaders were recruited from different universities and hospitals using the convenience snowball sampling technique, yielding a response rate of 70%. After a pilot study, an online survey using Google Forms was hosted in 2022.


The psychological safety of nursing team members was not found to be associated with the humility leadership of nursing leaders. Despite the participants' reports of their nursing leaders exhibiting humility leadership (mean = 3.57/5, SE = 0.055), the participants also reported that psychological safety was borderline (mean = 3.09/5, SE = 0.041).


The borderline nursing team members' psychological safety implies that different types of leadership may have an impact on the psychological safety of nursing team members. The lack of association between nursing leaders' humility leadership and the psychological safety of nursing team members highlights the need for further understanding and effort from nursing leaders to establish psychologically safe work environments.


This research offers valuable insights into how the humility of nursing leaders impacts the psychological safety of nursing team members. The psychological safety of the nursing team members highlights the specific responsibilities that nursing leaders should assume to establish psychologically safe work environments.

Patient or Public Contribution

There was no Patient or Public Contribution, as the sample included nursing academics, nurses, and nursing leaders recruited from different universities and hospitals.

Implications for Practice/Policy

A simple intervention that humble leaders can initiate is inclusivity, where subordinates' positive worth, strengths, and contributions are acknowledged. Inclusivity is a characteristic of humility leadership. Improving teams'’ psychological safety calls to promote a culture of civility in the workplace. A random and larger sample is needed, including other types of universities and hospitals, using other research designs across other cultures.

Oncology nursing under pressure

Journal of Advanced Nursing, EarlyView.

The relationship between sensory impairment and home care client's received care time—A cross‐sectional study



The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between sensory impairment and home care client's received care time.


A cross-sectional multi-source study.


Data from a self-reported staff survey on care time allocation were merged with registry data from the Resident Assessment Instrument registry (n = 1477). The data were collected during 1 week from 17 home care units in Finland in October 2021. The relationship between sensory impairment and clients received care time was examined using linear regression analyses.


The linear regression analyses showed that having vision impairment alone increased care time, while dual sensory impairment resulted in decreased received care time. Hearing impairment alone was not statistically significantly associated with care time.


The holistic care need of home care clients with dual sensory impairment may not be adequate. To ensure equality and the individually tailored care of clients, further attention must be paid to clients with sensory impairments, especially those with dual sensory impairment. Furthermore, the competence of home care workers to encounter and communicate with clients with sensory impairment must be developed to support the holistic care.

Implications for the patient care

The sensory impairments of home care clients must be identified in time and considered in care planning and encountering clients.


As there is a risk that clients with dual sensory impairment are not able to fully express themselves, it is imperative that further attention is paid to clients with sensory impairments, to better understand and support this vulnerable group. Increased awareness and continuous education are needed to better identify and support home care clients with sensory impairment.

Reporting Method

The study adheres to the STROBE reporting guidelines.

Patient or public contribution

No patient or public contribution.

Evaluation of the implementation of advanced practice nursing roles in France: A multiple case study



The aims of the study were to describe the processes used to introduce advanced practice nursing roles and factors that facilitated or hindered role implementation, examine the time advanced practice nurses (APNs) spend in role activities and how these activities relate to domains of advanced practice nursing and examine how implementation processes influenced APN integration within healthcare teams.


A multiple case study was conducted.


Five cases were included, representing the four population areas approved for advanced practice nursing in France. Data were collected from January to March 2021 using observation, interview and document analysis methods. Data were examined using thematic analysis.


Participants included APNs (n = 5), nurses/allied health providers (n = 5), physicians (n = 5), managers (n = 4) and decision-makers (n = 4). Stakeholder engagement and leadership provided by decision-makers, managers, physicians and APNs facilitated role implementation. Poor stakeholder role understanding, uncertain role funding, and the COVID-19 pandemic hindered role implementation. APNs spent the most time in clinical activities. Participants perceived the integration of APNs within the healthcare team and their impact on patient care to be positive.


Stakeholder engagement and organizational and APN leadership facilitated the implementation of the roles, especially related to team-based patient care. Further efforts are needed to strengthen APN involvement in non-clinical activities and address role barriers.

Implications for nursing and patient care

Systematic and system-wide approaches are needed to improve role clarity, role autonomy and health systems integration of APNs. Research should examine patient perspectives about APNs in France.


The results highlight how policies can create favourable conditions for advanced practice nursing role implementation in France. Internationally, this study serves as a reminder to APNs and nurse leaders about the strategies for and importance of implementation evaluation to support the optimal development of advanced practice nursing roles.

Reporting Method

The study reporting followed the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research.

Patient or Public Contribution

No Patient or Public Contribution.

Autistic patients' experiences of the hospital setting: A scoping review



To explore the factors that affect the experiences of autistic patients in the hospital setting.


A scoping review.

Data Sources

A systematic literature search using the databases CINAHL, Medline and Google Scholar was undertaken in September 2021 and updated in January 2023. This review is based on the methodological framework of Arksey and O'Malley (International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 8(1):19–32, 2005), which was further refined by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews.


Autistic patients, as well as their families and healthcare staff, face several barriers that can impact their healthcare experiences within hospital settings. Of 211 articles screened, 30 were eligible and included. Through our review, we identified two main themes. The first theme, ‘challenges to hospital experiences’, includes four sub-themes: (1) communication, (2) a mismatch between the needs for autistic patients and the hospital environment, (3) challenges related to parents' experiences and (4) challenges related to hospital systems. The second theme, ‘facilitators that improve hospital experiences’, includes three sub-themes: (1) provision of care pathways, (2) partnership between parents and experts and (3) facilitators to improve hospital systems. By understanding these themes, we can work to address the barriers that autistic patients and their families face, while leveraging the facilitators to improve their hospital experiences.


It is critical to understand the experiences of autistic patients in the hospital setting because they present a substantial risk of hospital admission due to their associated acute to chronic health conditions. Additionally, nurses and other medical staff must understand the unique hospital experiences and challenges of autistic patients to improve care and facilitate better hospital experiences. This review further highlights the crucial need to adopt a collaborative and inclusive approach between autistic patients, their families and healthcare staff. To achieve this, co-design initiatives that incorporate the perspectives and lived experiences of the autistic community are necessary. By placing autistic voices at the forefront of these initiatives, it is hoped that changes are meaningful, relevant and can be sustained.


Understanding the unique hospital experiences and challenges of autistic patients can improve their quality of life and well-being by reducing stress and anxiety during hospitalization, leading to better health outcomes and potentially shorter hospital stays. It can also promote a more positive view of healthcare among autistic individuals, encouraging them to seek medical care when needed and have broader societal impacts such as reducing healthcare costs and improving the overall health and well-being of the population. Autistic patients present a substantial risk of hospital admission due to their associated acute to chronic conditions. Nurses and other medical staff must understand the unique hospital experiences and challenges of autistic patients to improve care and facilitate better hospital experiences.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.
