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Nurses' experiences of competence in lifestyle counselling with adult patients in healthcare settings: A qualitative systematic literature review


Aims and Objectives

To identify and synthesise nurses' experiences of competence in lifestyle counselling with adult patients in healthcare settings.


Modifiable lifestyle risk behaviours contribute to an increased prevalence of chronic diseases worldwide. Lifestyle counselling is part of nurses' role which enables them to make a significant contribution to patients' long-term health in various healthcare contexts, but requires particular competence.


Qualitative systematic literature review and meta-aggregation.


The review was guided by Joanna Briggs Institute's methodology for conducting synthesis of qualitative studies. PRISMA-checklist guided the review process. Relevant original studies were search from databases (CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus, Medic and Psych Articles, Ebscho Open Dissertations and Web of Science). After researcher consensus was reached and quality of the studies evaluated, 20 studies were subjected to meta-aggregation.


From 20 studies meeting the inclusion criteria, 75 findings were extracted and categorised into 13 groups based on their meaning, resulting in the identification of 5 synthesised findings for competence description: Supporting healthy lifestyle adherence, creating interactive and patient-centred counselling situations, acquiring competence through clinical experience and continuous self-improvement, collaborating with other professionals and patients, planning lifestyle counselling and managing work across various stages of the patient's disease care path.


The review provides an evidence base that can be used to support nurses' competence in lifestyle counselling when working with adult patients in healthcare settings. Lifestyle counselling competence is a complex and rather abstract phenomenon. The review identified, analysed and synthesised the evidence derived from nurses' experience which shows that lifestyle counselling competence is a multidimensional entity which relates to many other competencies within nurses' work.

Implications for the Profession

Recognising the competencies of nurses in lifestyle counselling for adult patients can stimulate nurses' motivation. The acquisition of these competencies can have a positive impact on patients' lives and their health.

Patient or Public Contribution

No Patient or Public Contribution.


The research may enhance nurses' competence in lifestyle counselling, leading to improved health outcomes, better adherence to recommendations and overall well-being. It may also drive the development of interventions, improving healthcare delivery in lifestyle counselling.

Reporting Method

The review was undertaken and reported using the PRISMA guidelines.

Protocol Registration

Blinded for the review.

Integrating nurse practitioners into primary healthcare to advance health equity through a social justice lens: An integrative review



To develop a framework to guide the successful integration of nurse practitioners (NPs) into practice settings and, working from a social justice lens, deliver comprehensive primary healthcare which advances health equity.


Integrative review.


The integrative review was informed by the Whittemore and Knafl's framework and followed the Preferred Reporting for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Quality was assessed using the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal Tool. Findings were extracted and thematically analysed using NVivo. A social justice lens informed all phases.

Data Sources

Databases, including CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science, were searched for peer-reviewed literature published in English between 2005 and April 2022.


Twenty-eight articles were included. Six themes were identified at the individual (micro), local health provider (meso), and national systems and structures (macro) levels of the health sector: (1) autonomy and agency; (2) awareness and visibility; (3) shared vision; (4) leadership; (5) funding and infrastructure; and (6) intentional support and self-care. The evidence-based framework is explicitly focused on the components required to successfully integrate NPs into primary healthcare to advance health equity.


Integrating NPs into primary healthcare is complex and requires a multilevel approach at macro, meso and micro levels. NPs offer the potential to transform primary healthcare delivery to meet the health needs of local communities. Health workforce and integration policies and strategies are essential if the contribution of NPs is to be realized. The proposed framework offers an opportunity for further research to inform NP integration.

Impact Statement

Nurse practitioners (NPs) offer the potential to transform primary healthcare services to meet local community health needs and advance health equity. Globally, there is a lack of guidance and health policy to support the integration of the NP workforce. The developed framework provides guidance to successfully integrate NPs to deliver comprehensive primary healthcare grounded in social justice. Integrating NPs into PHC is complex and requires a multilevel approach at macro, meso and micro levels. The framework offers an opportunity for further research to inform NP integration, education and policy.

Summary Statement

What problem did the study address: The challenges of integrating nurse practitioners (NPs) into primary healthcare (PHC) are internationally recognized. Attempts to establish NP roles in New Zealand have been ad hoc with limited research, evidence-informed frameworks or policy to guide integration initiatives. Our review builds on existing international literature to understand how NPs are successfully integrated into PHC to advance health equity and provide a guiding framework. What were the main findings: Six themes were identified across individual (micro), local health provider (meso) and national systems and structures (macro) levels as fundamental to NP integration: autonomy and agency; awareness and visibility of the NP and their role; a shared vision for the direction of primary healthcare utilizing NP scope of practice; leadership in all spaces; necessary funding and infrastructure; and intentional support and self-care. Where and on whom will the research have an impact: Given extant health workforce challenges together with persisting health inequities, NPs provide a solution to delivering comprehensive primary healthcare from a social justice lens to promote healthcare access and health equity. The proposed evidence-informed framework provides guidance for successful integration across the health sector, training providers, as well as the NP profession, and is a platform for future research.

Reporting Method

This integrative review adhered to the Preferred Reporting for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

Clinical Knowledge Model for the Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Venous Thromboembolism

imageKnowledge models inform organizational behavior through the logical association of documentation processes, definitions, data elements, and value sets. The development of a well-designed knowledge model allows for the reuse of electronic health record data to promote efficiency in practice, data interoperability, and the extensibility of data to new capabilities or functionality such as clinical decision support, quality improvement, and research. The purpose of this article is to describe the development and validation of a knowledge model for healthcare-associated venous thromboembolism prevention. The team used FloMap, an Internet-based survey resource, to compare metadata from six healthcare organizations to an initial draft model. The team used consensus decision-making over time to compare survey results. The resulting model included seven panels, 41 questions, and 231 values. A second validation step included completion of an Internet-based survey with 26 staff nurse respondents representing 15 healthcare organizations, two electronic health record vendors, and one academic institution. The final knowledge model contained nine Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes panels, 32 concepts, and 195 values representing an additional six panels (groupings), 15 concepts (questions), and the specification of 195 values (answers). The final model is useful for consistent documentation to demonstrate the contribution of nursing practice to the prevention of venous thromboembolism.

Virtual Reality–Based Education Program for Managing Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: Development and Feasibility Test

imageThis study aims to develop a virtual reality–based education program for managing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia for family carers of persons living with dementia and investigate the feasibility for users. The program was developed through literature review, interviews with family carers, surveys, and expert content validity assessment. User feasibility was evaluated quantitatively through a questionnaire on usefulness, ease of use, and satisfaction, and qualitatively through participant interviews. The program was produced in two parts, Type 1 and Type 2, consisting of three and six episodes, respectively. Participants showed a high level of satisfaction with overall program scores of 4.28 ± 0.66 and 4.34 ± 0.41 for the two evaluations. Participants also expressed that both programs were helpful, Type 1 for achieving changes in attitude associated with more understanding of persons living with dementia and Type 2 for acquiring coping methods through communication training. Use of the virtual reality device was not inconvenient and was identified as helpful due to the high immersion experience. Results of this study confirmed that family carers had no resistance to education using new technologies such as virtual reality devices and that virtual reality–based education could be effective for training family carers.

Describing Medication Administration and Alert Patterns Experienced by New Graduate Nurses During the First Year of Practice

imageThe aim of this study was to describe medication administration and alert patterns among a cohort of new graduate nurses over the first year of practice. Medical errors related to clinical decision-making, including medication administration errors, may occur more frequently among new graduate nurses. To better understand nursing workflow and documentation workload in today's clinical environment, it is important to understand patterns of medication administration and alert generation during barcode-assisted medication administration. Study objectives were addressed through a descriptive, longitudinal, observational cohort design using secondary data analysis. Set in a large, urban medical center in the United States, the study sample included 132 new graduate nurses who worked on adult, inpatient units and administered medication using barcode-assisted medication administration. Data were collected through electronic health record and administration sources. New graduate nurses in the sample experienced a total of 587 879 alert and medication administration encounters, administering 772 unique medications to 17 388 unique patients. Nurses experienced an average medication workload of 28.09 medications per shift, 3.98% of which were associated with alerts, over their first year of practice. In addition to high volume of medication administration, new graduate nurses administer many different types of medications and are exposed to numerous alerts while using barcode-assisted medication administration.

Development and psychometric evaluation of an expanded urinary catheter self‐management scale: A cross‐sectional study



To develop and test the psychometric properties of an expanded catheter self-management scale for patients with in-dwelling urinary catheters.


A cross-sectional validation study. Despite the utility of the original 13-item catheter self-management scale, this instrument did not include bowel management, general hygiene and drainage bag care, which are fundamental skills in urinary catheter self-management to prevent common problems resulting in unnecessary hospital presentations. The expanded catheter self-management scale was developed with 10 additional items to comprehensively assess all five essential aspects of urinary catheter self-management.


A total of 101 adult community-dwelling patients living with indwelling urinary catheters were recruited from Western Sydney, Australia. Using exploratory factor analysis with Varimax rotation, the number of factors to be extracted from the expanded 23-item expanded catheter self-management scale was determined using a scree plot. The reliability of the overall scale and subscales was measured using Cronbach's alpha. Convergent validity was assessed using Spearman's correlations between clinical characteristics, overall scale and subscales.


The 23-item expanded catheter self-management scale yielded a 5-factor solution, labelled as: (i) self-monitoring of catheter function, (ii) proactive, help-seeking behaviour function, (iii) bowel self-care function, (iv) hygiene-related catheter site function and (v) drainage bag care function. Cronbach's alpha of the expanded catheter self-management scale indicating all 23 items contributed to the overall alpha value. Convergent validity results showed a negative correlation between the overall expanded catheter self-management scale and catheter-related problems.


The 5-factor structure provided a comprehensive assessment of key aspects of urinary catheter self-management essential to reduce the likelihood of catheter-related hospital presentations.


The expanded catheter self-management scale can be used to assess and monitor effective patient-centred interventions for optimal self-management to prevent catheter-related problems and improve the quality of life of patients.


Many patients start their journey of living with a urinary catheter unexpectedly and are not supported with quality information to care for their catheter. The findings of this study show the correlation between catheter self-management skills and catheter-related problems. The expanded catheter self-management scale (E-CSM) assists with analysing the self-management skills of patients living with a catheter and developing tailored interventions to prevent problems and improve their quality of life. In addition, this screening tool can be included in policies, guidelines, and care plans as a standard for improving catheter management and developing educational resources for patients.

Reporting Method

STROBE checklist was used to report all aspects of this study comprehensively and accurately.

Patient or Public Contribution

Patients living with indwelling urinary catheter and their carers have participated in surveys, interviews and co-designing interventions. This paper reports the psychometric analysis of the expanded catheter self-management scale (E-CSM) used in the patient survey as part of the main study ‘Improving Quality of Life of Patients Living with Indwelling Urinary Catheters: IQ-IDC Study’ (Alex et al. in Collegian, 29:405–413, 2021). We greatly value our consumers' contributions and continue to communicate the progress of the study to them. Their contributions will be acknowledged in all publications and presentations. In addition, all participants will be provided the option of receiving the interventions and publications generated from this study.

A theoretical framework for Acute Care Nurse Stress Appraisal: Application of the transactional model of stress and coping



To develop a framework for understanding the stress appraisal process among acute care nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic.


A secondary analysis of open-ended responses from a cross-sectional survey of 3030 frontline, acute care nurses in New Jersey and the effect of burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Lazarus and Folkman's transactional model of stress and coping guided the study. Thematic analysis was used to analyse 1607 open-ended responses.


Nine themes emerged during the secondary appraisal of stress. Five themes contributed to distress and burnout including (1) high patient acuity with scarce resources, (2) constantly changing policies with inconsistent messaging, (3) insufficient PPE, (4) unprepared pandemic planning and (5) feeling undervalued. Four themes led to eustress and contributed to post-traumatic growth including (1) team nursing to ensure sufficient resource allocation, (2) open channels of communication, (3) sense- of-duty and (4) personal strength from new possibilities.


The COVID-19 pandemic was a traumatic event for patients and the nursing workforce. Internal and external demands placed on acute care nurses increased burnout, however, a subset of nurses with adequate support experienced personal growth.

Implications for the Profession and/or Patient Care

Beyond mental health interventions for acute care nurses, organizational interventions such as reevaluation of emergency action plans to optimize resource allocation, and work environment strategies such as improved communication and decision-making transparency are necessary.


To better understand how frontline acute care nurses experienced stress during COVID-19, a data-informed framework was developed that included a primary and secondary appraisal of stress. Themes contributing to distress and burnout were identified, and themes leading to eustress and post-traumatic growth were also identified. These findings can assist nurse leaders in optimizing strategies to reduce burnout and promote post-traumatic growth in the post-COVID years.

Reporting Method

No patient or public contribution.

COVID‐19 and collective trauma: Implementing a trauma‐informed model of care for post‐COVID patients



To describe the implementation of a trauma-informed model of care in the Post COVID Respiratory Clinic of a large tertiary referral centre in NSW.


Discussion paper.

Data Sources

Evidence gathered from a literature search (2008–2022) was used to develop a framework for management of patients presenting to this Post COVID Respiratory Clinic. This paper outlines the personal reflections of the clinic staff as they developed and implemented this framework. Ethical approval was obtained to report the data collected from patient reviews.


The literature highlights the high prevalence of trauma in patients following COVID-19 infection, as well as the larger population both during and after the pandemic. This experience of trauma was observed in patients seen within the clinic, indicating a need for specialized care. In response, a trauma-informed model of care was implemented.


Reconceptualizing COVID-19 as a ‘collective trauma’ can help healthcare workers understand the needs of post-COVID patients and enable them to respond empathetically. A trauma-informed model is complementary to this cohort as it specifically addresses vulnerable populations, many of whom have been further marginalized by the pandemic.

Implications for Nursing and Patient Care

Frontline healthcare workers, particularly nurses, are well positioned to implement trauma-informed care due to their high-level of patient contact. Adequate allocation of resources and investment in staff is essential to ensure such care can be provided.


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to adverse physical and mental health outcomes for many. Trauma-informed care is a way to promote reengagement with the healthcare system in this group. Post COVID patients globally may benefit from this approach, as it aims to build trust and independence.

Patient or Public Contribution

Feedback was sought from a patient representative to ensure this paper adequately reflected the experience of the post-COVID patient.

Consensus on the content of an instrument to measure person‐centred teamwork: An e‐Delphi study


Aims and Objectives

To establish consensus on items to be included in an instrument to measure person-centred teamwork in a hospital setting. The objective was to identify the items through a methodological literature review. Refine the items and obtain consensus on the items.


A definition and related attributes of person-centred teamwork have been agreed upon. An instrument is needed to measure and monitor person-centred teamwork in hospital settings.


Consensus, electronic Delphi design.


Items were identified through a methodological literature review. These items were included in three electronic Delphi rounds. Using purposive and snowball sampling, 16 international experts on person-centred care, teamwork and/or instrument development were invited to participate in three electronic Delphi rounds via Google Forms. Descriptive statistics were used to demonstrate their agreement on the relevance and clarity of each item. Items were included if consensus was 0.75. Content analysis was used to analyse written feedback from experts.


The response rate was 56% (n = 9/16). Nine experts participated over an 8-week period to reach consensus on the items to be included in an instrument to measure person-centred teamwork in hospital settings. The experts' responses and suggestions for rephrasing, removing and adding items were incorporated into each round.


A Delphi consensus exercise was completed, and experts reached agreement on 38 items to be included in an instrument that can be used to evaluate person-centred teamwork in hospital settings.

Relevance to clinical practice

We engaged with nine international experts in the academic and clinical field of person-centeredness, teamwork and/or instrument development. An online platform was used to allow the experts to give input into the study. The experts engaged from their own environment with full autonomy and anonymity. Person-centred teamwork, aimed at improving practice is now measurable. Person-centred teams improve outcomes of patients. Person-centred teamwork was specifically developed to assist low compliance areas in hospitals.

Nurses' safety climate, quality of care, and standard precautions adherence and compliance: A cross‐sectional study



Investigations about the interrelationships of nurses' safety climate, quality of care, and standard precautions (SP) adherence and compliance remain particularly scarce in the literature. Thus, we tested a model of the associations between nurses' safety climate, quality of care, and the factors influencing adherence and compliance with SPs utilizing the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach.


Cross-sectional design complying with STROBE guidelines.


Using convenience sampling, nurses (n = 730) from the Philippines were recruited. Data were collected between April and September 2022 using four validated self-report measures. Spearman Rho, mediation and path analyses, and SEM were employed for data analysis.


Acceptable model fit indices were shown by the emerging model. The safety climate is positively associated with quality of care and factors influencing adherence to and compliance with SPs. Quality of care directly affected factors influencing adherence to SPs. The factors influencing adherence to SPs directly affected SP compliance. Quality of care mediated between safety climate and the factors influencing adherence to SPs. Factors influencing adherence to SPs mediated between safety climate, quality of care, and SP compliance.


The study's variables are not distinct but overlapping nursing concepts that must be examined collectively. Nurse administrators can utilize the emerging model to formulate strategies and regulations for evaluating and enhancing nurses' safety climate, quality of care, and SP adherence and compliance.

Clinical Relevance

Our findings may impact policymaking, organizational, and individual levels to improve nurses' clinical practice.

Patient or Public Contribution

This study had no patient contribution or public funding.

Views of family members on using video calls during the hospital admission of a patient: A qualitative study



Utilization of video calls on hospital wards to facilitate involvement of and communication with family members is still limited. A deeper understanding of the needs and expectations of family members regarding video calls on hospital wards is necessary, to identify potential barriers and facilitate video calls in practice.


The aim of this study was to explore the views, expectations and needs of a patient's family members regarding the use of video calls between family members, patients and healthcare professionals, during the patient's hospital admission.


A qualitative study was carried out. Semi-structured interviews with family members of patients admitted to two hospitals were conducted between February and May 2022. Family members of patients admitted to the surgical, internal medicine and gynaecological wards were recruited.


Twelve family members of patients participated. Family members stated that they perceive video calls as a supplemental option and prefer live visits during hospital admission. They expected video calls to initiate additional moments of contact with healthcare professionals, e.g. to join in medical rounds. When deploying video calls, family members mentioned that adequate instruction and technical support by nurses should be available.


Family members considered video calls valuable when visiting is not possible or to participate in medical rounds or other contacts with healthcare professionals outside of visiting hours.


Family members need to be supported in options and use of video calls on hospital wards. Additional knowledge about actual participation in care through video calls is needed as well as the effect on patient, family and healthcare professional outcomes.


Using video calls on hospital wards can provide family members with flexible alternatives for contact and promote family involvement.

Reporting Method

COREQ guidelines.

Patient or Public Contribution

Family members of patients admitted to hospital have contributed by sharing their perspectives in interviews.

What does this paper contribute to the wider global clinical community?

Family members perceive additional value from the use of video calls on hospital wards. For family, use of video calls needs to be facilitated with clear instruction materials and support.

Trial and Protocol Registration

Amsterdam UMC Medical Ethics Review Committee (ref number W21_508 # 21.560).

Prevalence and clustering of NANDA‐I nursing diagnoses in the pre‐hospital emergency care setting: A retrospective records review study



To determine the prevalence and clustering of NANDA-International nursing diagnoses in patients assisted by pre-hospital emergency teams.


Retrospective descriptive study of electronic record review.


Episodes recorded during 2019, including at least a nursing diagnosis, were recovered from the electronic health records of a Spanish public emergency agency (N = 28,847). Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the sample and determine prevalence. A two-step cluster analysis was used to group nursing diagnoses. A comparison between clusters in sociodemographic and medical problems was performed. Data were accessed in November 2020.


Risk for falls (00155) (27.3%), Anxiety (00146) (23.2%), Acute pain (00132), Fear (00148) and Ineffective breathing pattern (00032) represented 96.1% of all recorded diagnoses. A six-cluster solution (n = 26.788) was found. Five clusters had a single high-prevalence diagnosis predominance: Risk for falls (00155) in cluster 1, Anxiety (00146) in cluster 2, Fear (00148) in cluster 3, Acute pain (00132) in cluster 4 and Ineffective breathing pattern (00032) in cluster 6. Cluster 5 had several high prevalence diagnoses which co-occurred: Risk for unstable blood glucose level (00179), Ineffective coping (00069), Ineffective health management (00078), Impaired comfort (00214) and Impaired verbal communication (00051).


Five nursing diagnoses accounted for almost the entire prevalence. The identified clusters showed that pre-hospital patients present six patterns of nursing diagnoses. Five clusters were predominated by a predominant nursing diagnosis related to patient safety, coping, comfort, and activity/rest, respectively. The sixth cluster grouped several nursing diagnoses applicable to exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Implications for the profession and/or patient care

Knowing the prevalence and clustering of nursing diagnoses allows a better understanding of the human responses of patients attended by pre-hospital emergency teams and increases the evidence of individualized/standardized care plans in the pre-hospital clinical setting.


What problem did the study address? There are different models of pre-hospital emergency care services. The use of standardized nursing languages in the pre-hospital setting is not homogeneous. Studies on NANDA-I nursing diagnoses in the pre-hospital context are scarce, and those available are conducted on small samples.

What were the main findings? This paper reports the study with the largest sample among the few published on NANDA-I nursing diagnoses in the pre-hospital care setting. Five nursing diagnoses represented 96.1% of all recorded. These diagnoses were related to patients' safety/protection and coping/stress tolerance. Patients attended by pre-hospital care teams are grouped into six clusters based on the nursing diagnoses, and this classification is independent of the medical conditions the patient suffers.

Where and on whom will the research have an impact?

Knowing the prevalence of nursing diagnoses allows a better understanding of the human responses of patients treated in the pre-hospital setting, increasing the evidence of individualized and standardized care plans for pre-hospital care.

Reporting method

STROBE checklist has been used as a reporting method.

No Patient or Public Contribution

Only patients' records were reviewed without further involvement.

Effects of virtual reality‐based cognitive interventions on cognitive function and activity of daily living among stroke patients: Systematic review and meta‐analysis



To examine the effects of virtual reality-based cognitive interventions on cognitive function and activities of daily living among stroke patients, and to identify the optimal design for such intervention.


Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Data Sources

Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane, CINANL, JBI-EBP and Web of Science from inception to October 2023.


Methodological quality was assessed by Risk of Bias Tool. Meta-analyses were assessed by Review Manager 5.4. Subgroup analyses were conducted to explore the influence of study design. Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach was adopted to assess the certainty of evidence.


Twenty-five randomized controlled trials (1178 participants) were included. Virtual reality-based cognitive interventions demonstrated moderate-to-large effects in improving global cognitive function (SMD = 0.43; 95% CI [0.01, 0.85]), executive function (SMD = 0.84; 95% CI [0.25, 1.43]) and memory (SMD = 0.65; 95% CI [0.15, 1.16]) compared to control treatments. No significant effects were found on language, visuospatial ability and activities of daily living. Subgroup analyses indicated one-on-one coaching, individualized design and dynamic difficulty adjustment, and interventions lasting ≥ 6 weeks had particularly enhanced effects, especially for executive function.


Virtual reality-based cognitive interventions improve global cognitive function, executive function and memory among stroke patients.

Implications for the Patient Care

This review underscores the broad cognitive advantages offered by virtual technology, suggesting its potential integration into standard stroke rehabilitation protocols for enhanced cognitive recovery.


The study identifies key factors in virtual technology interventions that effectively improve cognitive function among stroke patients, offering healthcare providers a framework for leveraging such technology to optimize cognitive outcomes in stroke rehabilitation.

Reporting Method

PRISMA 2020 statement.

PROSPERO Registration Number


The Nurse‐Police Assistance Crisis Team (N‐PACT): A new role for nursing



This study aimed to gain insights into forensic nurses' perspectives and approaches to behavioural crisis situations, comparing them to disciplines traditionally involved in first-line behavioural crisis response.


This study used a descriptive, qualitative exploratory design and was informed by Systems Theory.


The study was carried in the United States, between 2022 and 2023. Data were gathered through four focus groups: police officers (n = 12), co-response (mental health) clinicians (n = 13), sexual assault nurse examiners (n = 6) and correctional nurses (n = 4). Thematic analysis was performed.

Reporting Method

The Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR) guidelines were used.


Findings revealed temporal themes in crisis response: (1) Searching for Historical Information; (2) Safety and Acting at the Present Scene; and (3) Future Strategies and Interventions. Common priorities (e.g. safety and de-escalation) were identified across groups. Notably, nurses demonstrated a comprehensive approach, addressing physical and mental health assessments, substance involvement, and physical injury evaluation.


This study proposes the creation of a novel nursing role within first-line multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) for crisis response—the Nurse-Police Assistance Crisis Team (N-PACT). Nurses bring expertise and comprehensive assessment skills to enhance crisis responses, particularly in cases involving mental health emergencies, medical crises, and drug-related incidents.


Forensic nurses, with their diverse competencies and comprehensive training, are highly valuable assets within MDTs. Their expertise extends to proficiently conducting mental and physical assessments, ensuring safety and adeptly navigating situations that intersect with the legal system.


The N-PACT concept can improve outcomes and streamline the allocation of resources, particularly considering the number of police calls involving behavioural crises.

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

Nurses' and physicians' perspectives on implementation barriers and facilitators in a transfer program for parents of adolescents with chronic illness



To identify barriers and facilitators impacting the implementation of a comprehensive transfer program aimed at parents of adolescents with chronic illness in clinical practice.


A real-time, qualitative process evaluation.


Individual interviews were conducted with 10 nurses and seven physicians from paediatric and adult outpatient clinics: Nephrology, hepatology, neurology, and rheumatology. Data were analysed through the lens of normalization process theory.


Themes were framed within the theory's four components. (1) Coherence: Healthcare professionals' views on their core tasks and on the parents' role influenced their perception of the program. (2) Cognitive participation: A named key worker, autonomy, and collaboration impacted healthcare professionals' involvement in the program. (3) Collective action: Department prioritization and understanding of the program's aim were key factors in its successful delivery. (4) Reflective monitoring: Participants experienced that the program helped parents during transfer but questioned if the program was needed by all families.


We identified three barriers: Healthcare professionals' lack of understanding of the parental role during transfer, top-down decisions among nurses, and physicians' uncertainty about their role in joint consultations. Facilitators: Healthcare professionals' understanding of the program's purpose and expected effect, the nurses' significant role as named keyworkers, and good collaboration across paediatric and adult departments.

Implications for the Profession and/or Patient Care

Implementation strategies should be developed before implementing a transfer program in clinical practice.


Implementing a parental transfer program in clinical practice can be challenging. Therefore, for successful implementation, it is crucial to identify barriers and facilitators. Barriers and facilitators exist at the personal, professional, and organizational levels, and it is important to understand them. The results of this qualitative study could support the implementation of transfer programs in other settings.

Reporting Method

Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative studies (COREQ).

Patient or Public Contribution

No patient or public contribution.

What does this paper contribute to the wider global clinical community?

Nurses' and physicians' experiences of ownership of the transfer program is essential for successful implementation. Clinics should appoint a named keyworker, preferably a nurse, as the driving force during the implementation of a transfer program. Nurses and physicians should receive training about the purpose, justification, and expected effect of a transfer program before implementation.

Nursing Diagnosis Accuracy in Nursing Education: Clinical Decision Support System Compared With Paper-Based Documentation—A Before and After Study

imageComputer-based technologies have been widely used in nursing education, although the best educational modality to improve documentation and nursing diagnostic accuracy using electronic health records is still under investigation. It is important to address this gap and seek an effective way to address increased accuracy around nursing diagnoses identification. Nursing diagnoses are judgments that represent a synthesis of data collected by the nurse and used to guide interventions and to achieve desirable patients' outcomes. This current investigation is aimed at comparing the nursing diagnostic accuracy, satisfaction, and usability of a computerized system versus a traditional paper-based approach. A total of 66 nursing students solved three validated clinical scenarios using the NANDA-International terminologies traditional paper-based approach and then the computer-based Clinical Decision Support System. Study findings indicated a significantly higher nursing diagnostic accuracy (P

Creating Subsets of International Classification for Nursing Practice Precoordinated Concepts: Diagnoses/Outcomes and Interventions Categorized Into Areas of Nursing Practice

imageThe International Classification for Nursing Practice is a comprehensive terminology representing the domain of nursing practice. A categorization of the diagnoses/outcomes and interventions may further increase the usefulness of the terminology in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to categorize the precoordinated concepts of the International Classification for Nursing Practice into subsets for nursing diagnoses/outcomes and interventions using the structure of an established documentation model. The aim was also to investigate the distribution of the precoordinated concepts of the International Classification for Nursing Practice across the different areas of nursing practice. The method was a descriptive content analysis using a deductive approach. The VIPS model was used as a theoretical framework for categorization. The results showed that all the precoordinated concepts of the International Classification for Nursing Practice could be categorized according to the keywords in the VIPS model. It also revealed the parts of nursing practice covered by the concepts of the International Classification for Nursing Practice as well as the parts that needed to be added to the International Classification for Nursing Practice. This has not been identified in earlier subsets as they covered only one specific area of nursing.

Ambulatory Care Coordination Data Gathering and Use

imageCare coordination is a crucial component of healthcare systems. However, little is known about data needs and uses in ambulatory care coordination practice. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify information gathered and used to support care coordination in ambulatory settings. Survey respondents (33) provided their demographics and practice patterns, including use of electronic health records, as well as data gathered and used. Most of the respondents were nurses, and they described varying practice settings and patterns. Although most described at least partial use of electronic health records, two respondents described paper documentation systems. More than 25% of respondents gathered and used most of the 72 data elements, with collection and use often occurring in multiple locations and contexts. This early study demonstrates significant heterogeneity in ambulatory care coordination data usage. Additional research is necessary to identify common data elements to support knowledge development in the context of a learning health system.

‘I'm still here, I'm alive and breathing’: The experience of Black Americans with long COVID


Aims and Objectives

In this study, we aimed to characterize the impact of long COVID on quality of life and approaches to symptom management among Black American adults.


As a novel condition, qualitative evidence concerning long COVID symptoms and their impact on quality of life can inform the refinement of diagnostic criteria and care plans. However, the underrepresentation of Black Americans in long COVID research is a barrier to achieving equitable care for all long COVID patients.


We employed an interpretive description study design.


We recruited a convenience sample of 15 Black American adults with long COVID. We analysed the anonymized transcripts from race-concordant, semi-structured interviews using an inductive, thematic analysis approach. We followed the SRQR reporting guidelines.


We identified four themes: (1) The impact of long COVID symptoms on personal identity and pre-existing conditions; (2) Self-management strategies for long COVID symptoms; (3) Social determinants of health and symptom management; and (4) Effects on interpersonal relationships.


Findings demonstrate the comprehensive ramifications of long COVID on the lives of Black American adults. Results also articulate how pre-existing conditions, social risk factors, distrust due to systemic racism, and the nature of interpersonal relationships can complicate symptom management.

Relevance to Clinical Practice

Care approaches that support access to and implementation of integrative therapies may be best suited to meet the needs of long COVID patients. Clinicians should also prioritize eliminating patient exposure to discrimination, implicit bias, and microaggressions. This is of particular concern for long COVID patients who have symptoms that are difficult to objectively quantify, such as pain and fatigue.

No Patient or Public Contribution

While patient perspectives and experiences were the focus of this study, patients were not involved with the design or conduct of the study, data analysis or interpretation, or writing the manuscript.
